Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Essie Ward: "the Grandma Moses of the Ozarks"

Well.  Rather abruptly, I've found a few things to write about.  We're off and running.

I had the pleasure last night of attending a short lecture at our local library by Susan Young of the Shiloh Museum of Ozark History over in Springdale.  She came to present information about a Searcy County artist named Essie Ward.  (You can read a brief bio here or see a gallery of her paintings here.) 

Photo borrowed from
Facebook had alerted me to the presentation just that afternoon, and I was fascinated to see that the room was packed with a standing-room-only crowd that included nearly a dozen of Essie and Jessie Ward's direct descendants.  Some had brought paintings and other mementos from their home, and it was an absorbing hour as the historian shared her presentation, then listened and marveled at what the family members had brought to share as well.

Now that I know her story, I'm now hoping that I'll come across one of Essie's paintings for sale someday.  I think Hezekiah and Miranda need a place in my home.

1 comment:

  1. I have several G.M. of the O. paintings. One is of a black man .
    Jeff down in Texas
